Only South Australian National Parks & South Australian Conservation Parks qualify for the Award.
There are a total off 22 National Parks and 277 Conservation Parks in South Australia.
These parks are under the control of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR).
A NATIONAL Park is 'land that is of national significance by reason of its wildlife or natural features'.
A CONSERVATION Park is 'land that is protected or preserved for conserving wildlife or natural or historic features'.
The following types of South Australian Parks do NOT qualify for the Award.
o Game Reserves (GR)
o Recreation Parks (RP)
o Regional Reserves (RR)
o Wilderness Protection Area (WPA)
o Conservation Reserves (CR)
o Marine Parks (MP)
The 22 National Parks and 276 Conservation Parks are spread across South Australia. They are under the control of the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR).
NATIONAL PARKS (total of 24)
Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary-Winaityinaityi 5NP-022
Belair, 5NP-001
Canunda, 5NP-002
Coffin Bay, 5NP-003
Coorong, 5NP-005
Flinders Chase, 5NP-006
Gawler Ranges, 5NP-008
Glenthorne-Ityamaiitpinna Yarta National Park
Great Australian Bight Marine, 5NP-009
Ikara-Flinders Ranges, 5NP-007
Innes, 5NP-010
Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre, 5NP-011
Lake Gairdner, 5NP-012
Lake Torrens, 5NP-013
Lincoln, 5NP-014
Malkumba-Coongie Lakes, 5NP-004
Mount Remarkable, 5NP-015
Murray River, 5NP-016
Naracoorte Caves, 5NP-017
Nilpena Ediacara National Park 5NP-024
Nullabor, 5NP-018
Onkaparinga River, 5NP-019
Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges, 5NP-020
Witjira, 5NP-021
Aberdour, 5CP-001
Acraman Creek, 5CP-002
Aldinga Scrub, 5CP-003
Althorpe Islands, 5CP-004
Angove, 5CP-005
Avoid Bay Islands, 5CP-006
Baird Bay Islands, 5CP-007
Bakara, 5CP-008
Bandon, 5CP-263
Bangham, 5CP-009
Barwell, 5CP-010
Bascombe Well, 5CP-011
Baudin, 5CP-012
Baudin Rocks, 5CP-013
Beachport, 5CP-014
Beatrice Islet, 5CP-015
Belt Hill, 5CP-016
Beyeria, 5CP-017
Big Heath, 5CP-018
Billiatt, 5CP-019
Bimbowrie, 5CP-020
Bird Islands, 5CP-021
Black Hill, 5CP-022
Black Rock, 5CP-023
Boondina, 5CP-024
Brookfield, 5CP-025
Bullock Hill, 5CP-265
Busby Islet, 5CP-026
Butcher Gap, 5CP-027
Calectasia, 5CP-028
Calpatanna Waterhole, 5CP-029
Cap Island, 5CP-030
Cape Blanche, 5CP-031
Cape Gantheaume, 5CP-032
Cape Willoughby, 5CP-033
Caralue Bluff, 5CP-034
Carappee Hill, 5CP-035
Carcuma, 5CP-036
Caroona Creek, 5CP-037
Carpenter Rocks, 5CP-038
Carribie, 5CP-039
Chadinga, 5CP-040
Charleston, 5CP-041
Christmas Rocks, 5CP-266
Cleland, 5CP-042
Clements Gap, 5CP-043
Clinton, 5CP-044
Cocata, 5CP-045
Cooltong, 5CP-046
Corrobinnie Hill, 5CP-047
Cox Scrub, 5CP-048
Cromer, 5CP-049
Cudlee Creek, 5CP-050
Custon, 5CP-051
Cygnet Estuary, 5CP-273
Danggali, 5CP-052
Darke Range, 5CP-053
Deep Creek, 5CP-054
Desert Camp, 5CP-055
Dingley Dell, 5CP-056
Douglas Point, 5CP-057
Dudley, 5CP-058
Eba Island, 5CP-059
Elliot Price, 5CP-061
Eric Bonython, 5CP-062
Ettrick, 5CP-267
Eurilla, 5CP-063
Ewens Ponds, 5CP-064
Fairview, 5CP-065
Ferguson, 5CP-066
Ferries - McDonald, 5CP-067
Finniss, 5CP-068
Fort Glanville, 5CP-069
Fowlers Bay, 5CP-070
Franklin Harbor, 5CP-071
Furner, 5CP-072
Gambier Islands, 5CP-073
Gawler Ranges, 5CP-074
Geegeela, 5CP-075
Giles, 5CP-076
Glen Roy, 5CP-077
Goose Island, 5CP-078
Gower, 5CP-079
Grass Tree, 5CP-080
Greenly Island, 5CP-081
Guichen Bay, 5CP-082
Gum Lagoon, 5CP-083
Gum Tree Gully, 5CP-084
Hacks Lagoon, 5CP-085
Hale, 5CP-086
Hallett Cove, 5CP-087
Hanson Scrub, 5CP-088
Heggaton, 5CP-089
Hesperilla, 5CP-090
Hincks, 5CP-091
Hogwash Bend, 5CP-092
Hopkins Creek, 5CP-093
Horsnell Gully, 5CP-094
Ironstone Hill, 5CP-095
Jip Jip, 5CP-096
Kaiserstuhl, 5CP-097
Kanku-Breakaways, 5CP-264
Kapunda Island, 5CP-098
Karte, 5CP-099
Kathai, 5CP-100
Kellidie Bay, 5CP-101
Kelly Hill, 5CP-102
Kelvin Powrie, 5CP-103
Kenneth Stirling, 5CP-104
Kinchina, 5CP-277
Kulliparu, 5CP-105
Kungari, 5CP-106
Kyeema, 5CP-107
Lake Frome, 5CP-108
Lake Gilles, 5CP-109
Lake Hawdon South, 5CP-110
Lake Newland, 5CP-111
Lake St Clair, 5CP-112
Lashmar, 5CP-113
Lathami, 5CP-114
Laura Bay, 5CP-115
Lawari, 5CP-277
Lesueur, 5CP-116
Leven Beach, 5CP-117
Lincoln, 5CP-118
Lipson Island, 5CP-110
Little Dip, 5CP-120
Lowan, 5CP-121
Lower Glenelg River, 5CP-122
Maize Island Lagoon, 5CP-123
Malgra, 5CP-124
Mamungari, 5CP-125
Mantung, 5CP-269
Marino, 5CP-126
Mark Oliphant, 5CP-127
Marne Valley, 5CP-128
Martin Washpool, 5CP-129
Martindale Hall, 5CP-130
Mary Seymour, 5CP-131
Media Island, 5CP-132
Messent, 5CP-133
Middlecamp Hills, 5CP-134
Mimbara, 5CP-272
Minlacowie, 5CP-135
Moana Sands, 5CP-136
Mokota, 5CP-137
Monarto, 5CP-138
Monarto Woodlands, 5CP-276
Montacute, 5CP-139
Moody Tank, 5CP-140
Morgan, 5CP-141
Morialta, 5CP-142
Mount Billy, 5CP-143
Mount Boothby, 5CP-144
Mount Brown, 5CP-145
Mount Dutton Bay, 5CP-146
Mount George, 5CP-147
Mount Magnificent, 5CP-148
Mount Monster, 5CP-149
Mount Scott, 5CP-150
Mount Taylor, 5CP-151
Mowantjie Willauwar, 5CP-152
Mullinger Swamp, 5CP-153
Munyaroo, 5CP-154
Murrunatta, 5CP-155
Mylor, 5CP-156
Myponga, 5CP-157
Nene Valley, 5CP-158
Nepean Bay, 5CP-159
Neptune Islands, 5CP-160
Newland Head, 5CP-161
Ngarkat, 5CP-162
Ngaut Ngaut, 5CP-163 (currently not able to be accessed by amateurs)
Nicolas Baudin Island, 5CP-164
Nixon - Skinner, 5CP-165
Nuyts Archipelago, 5CP-166
Nuyts Reef, 5CP-167
Olive Island, 5CP-168
Padthaway, 5CP-169
Pandappa, 5CP-170
Para Wirra CP, 5CP-275
Paranki Lagoon, 5CP-270
Parndana, 5CP-171
Peachna, 5CP-172
Peebinga, 5CP-173
Pelican Lagoon, 5CP-174
Penambol, 5CP-175
Penguin Island, 5CP-176
Penola, 5CP-177
Piccaninnie Ponds, 5CP-178
Pigface Island, 5CP-179
Pike River, 5CP-180
Pine Hill Soak, 5CP-181
Pinkawillinie, 5CP-182
Point Bell, 5CP-183
Point Davenport, 5CP-184
Point Labatt, 5CP-185
Pooginook, 5CP-186
Poonthie Ruwe, 5CP-187
Port Gawler, 5CP-188
Porter Scrub, 5CP-189
Pualco Range, 5CP-190
Pullen Island, 5CP-191
Pureba, 5CP-192
Ramco Point, 5CP-193
Ramsay, 5CP-194
Red Banks, 5CP-195
Reedy Creek, 5CP-196
Ridley, 5CP-197
Rilli Island, 5CP-198
Rocky Island (North) , 5CP-199
Rocky Island (South), 5CP-200
Roonka, 5CP-201
Rudall, 5CP-202
Salt Lagoon Islands, 5CP-203
Sandy Creek, 5CP-204
Sceale Bay, 5CP-205
Scott, 5CP-206
Scott Creek, 5CP-207
Seal Bay, 5CP-208
Searcy Bay, 5CP-209
Seddon, 5CP-210
Shannon, 5CP-211
Sheoak Hill, 5CP-212
Simpson, 5CP-213
Simpson Desert, 5CP-214
Sinclair Island, 5CP-215
Sir Joseph Banks Group, 5CP-216
Sleaford Mere, 5CP-217
Spaniards Gully 5CP-279
Spring Gully, 5CP-218
Spring Mount, 5CP-219
Stipiturus, 5CP-220
Swan Reach, 5CP-221
Talapar, 5CP-222
Talisker, 5CP-223
Tallaringa, 5CP-224
Tantanoola Caves, 5CP-225
Telford Scrub, 5CP-226
Telowie Gorge, 5CP-227
The Dutchmans Stern, 5CP-228
The Knoll, 5CP-229
The Pages, 5CP-230
The Plug Range, 5CP-231
Thidna, 5CP-281
Tilley Swamp, 5CP-232
Torrens Island 5CP-233
Troubridge Island, 5CP-234
Tucknott Scrub, 5CP-235
Tumby Island, 5CP-236
Venus Bay, 5CP-237
Verran Tanks, 5CP-238
Vivigani Ardune, 5CP-239
Vivonne Bay, 5CP-240
Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs, 5CP-241
Wahgunyah, 5CP-242
Waitpinga, 5CP-243
Waldegrave Islands, 5CP-244
Wanilla, 5CP-245
Wanilla Land Settlement, 5CP-246
Warren, 5CP-247
Warrenben, 5CP-248
West Island, 5CP-249
Wharminda, 5CP-250
Whidbey Isles, 5CP-251
White Dam, 5CP-252
Whyalla, 5CP-253
Wiljani, 5CP-274
Wills Creek, 5CP-254
Winninowie, 5CP-255
Wirrabara Range 5CP-280
Wittelbee, 5CP-256
Woakwine, 5CP-257
Wolseley Common, 5CP-258
Yalpara, 5CP-259
Yeldulknie, 5CP-260
Yulte, 5CP-261
Yumbarra, 5CP-262
DEWNR has 8 Regions. Each of these Regions are then subdivided into Districts.
1. Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges
Adelaide & Central Hills
Northern Hills Coasts & Plains
Fleurieu & Willing Basin
This region covers 6,581 sq km of land, 4,627 sq km of sea, and has 364 km of coastline. It supports 1.2 million people which equates to 80 % of South Australia’s population. The northern boundary of this Region incorporates the whole of the Light Regional Council, the District of Mallala and the Barossa Council. The region stretches south to Cape Jervis on the southern tip of the Fleurieu Peninusla, from the ridge of the Mount Lofty Ranges to 35 km into Gulf St Vincent. The coastline of this region encompasses the District Council of Mallala in the north to Middleton Beach in the south in the Distrct Council of Alexandrina.
There are a total of 46 parks in this region, comprising of 2 National Parks and 44 Conservation Parks.
2. Alinytjara Wilurara
Bunda Cliffs
Yalata Coast
Nullabor Plain
Yalata Lands
Yellabinna and Yumbarra
Great Victoria Desert
Southern APY
APY Ranges
Eastern APY and Tallaringa
This region (meaning north west in Pitjantjatjara) covers the north west third of South Australia and is more than 250,000 square km in size.
There are a total of 6 parks in this region, comprising of 2 National Parks, and 4 Conservation Parks in this region.
3. Eyre Peninsula
The Eyre Peninsula region covers an area of 80,000 square km or 8 million hectares. It includes parts of the upper Spencer Gulf, the City of Whyalla, and stretches across the southern boundaries of the Gawler Ranges, beyond Ceduna to the edge of the famous Nullabor plain, and south to Port Lincoln at the southern tip of the Eyre Peninsula.
Eyre Peninsula still has 43% of natural vegetation cover intact, making it one of the highest levels of surviving native vegetation for agricultural regions in South Australia. About 40 species of native plants are endemic to the area, with 26 plant and animal species of national conservation significance listed.
The Eyre Peninsula region includes over 1,800 km of coastline. This represents about 33% of the entire coastline of South Australia. The Eyre Peninsula NRM region contains over 100 different parks and reserves.
There are a total of 74 parks in this region, comprising of 3 National Parks, and 71 Conservation Parks.
4. Kangaroo Island
The Kangaroo Island region encompasses Kangaroo Island which is about 15 km off the coastline of the southern Fleruieu Peninsula. The island covers an area of 4,370 square km. Off all the South Australian agricultural regions, Kangaroo Island contains the highest proportion of remnant vegetation. In fact, about 40% of the island is taken up by native vegetation.
The Kangaroo Island Region only contains one district. And that is Kangaroo Island.
There are a total of 22 parks in this region, comprising 1 National Park, and 21 Conservation Parks.
5. Northern and Yorke
Yorke Peninusla Group
Upper North Group
Lower North Group
The Northern and Yorke region totals 34,500 square km or more than 3 million hectares. It encompasses the Yorke Peninsula, the northern Mount Lofty Ranges, the southern Flinders Ranges, and significant areas of Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent.
There are a total of 24 parks in this region, comprising of 2 National Parks, and 22 Conservation Parks.
6. South Australian Arid Lands
Gawler Ranges
North Flinders
North East
This is the largest region is the SA Arid Lands region which covers over half of South Australia and encompasses the state’s north-east corner to its borders with NSW, Queensland, and the Northern Territory. It is more than 400,000 square km in size.
There are a total of 15 parks in this region, comprising of 7 National Parks, and 8 Conservation Parks
7. South Australian Murray-Darling Basin
Ranges to River
Mallee & Coorong
The SA Murray-Darlling Basin region extends from where the mighty Murray River crosses the South Australian/Victorian border, down to where the Murray meets the sea at the Coorong. The region covers 70,000 square km.
There are a total of 47 parks in this region, comprising 1 National Parks, and 46 Conservation Parks.
8. South East
The South East region covers an area of about 28,000 square km. It is bounded by the Victorian border to the east, the Southern Ocean to the south, and the Coorong to the west.
There are a total of 59 parks in the South East region, comprising 3 National Parks, and 56 Conservation Parks.
Here is a KML file which can be downloaded and used in Google Earth.
Please feel free to download the PDF file below which is a map from the Department of Environment, Water & Natural Resources, showing all the Protected Areas in South Australia, including National Parks and Conservation Parks.