Read the VK5 Parks rules and familiarise yourself with the rules.
Choose a qualifying park.
Post your intended activation date/time/frequency, etc on the VK5 Parks Yahoo group and on parksnpeaks. This will alert the park hunters of your intentions, and will result in more contacts in your log.
Remember that it is NOT recommended to 'self spot' on the DX cluster (see the Code of Conduct for the DX Cluster).
Familiarise yourself with propagation conditions. Know which bands are open and when. Check the solar figures. All of this will go a long way towards a successful activation.
Try to operate from one of the nominated park frequencies, e.g. 7.095, 14.310 (this may not always be possible).
Try to be on air at the time that you have stated you will be (this cannot always be achieved).
Call CQ VK5 parks or CQ parks, or similar.
Ask the first few park hunters that call you, if they would mind spotting you on the DX cluster and/or parksnpeaks. Once you have been spotted, you will generally notice a dramatic increase in the number of callers.
You need just ONE QSO to qualify a park.
There is NO database with the VK5 Parks Award (currently under development).
Spreadsheets are used to apply for award certificates.
Use the correct spreadsheets (can be downloaded from this site).
Do NOT send a few sentences in an email asking for an award, handwritten applications, your own spreadsheet, etc.
As a Hunter
Read the VK5 Parks rules and familiaries yourself with the rules.
Check out parksnpeaks and the VK5 Parks Yahoo group to find out who is heading out to activate a park.
If you work a park activator, consider spotting the activator on the DX Cluster and parksnpeaks.
Spreadsheets are used to apply for award certificates.
use the correct spreadsheets (can be downloaded from this site).